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Chart Calendar App Review

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If you want to keep your notes, pictures and numbers organized and tracked using calendar, Chart Calendar is a nice iPhone and iPad  application that will help you with that. This Lifeware Solutions app is really easy to be used, yet it is so helpful and powerful. So, what can you do with this app? First of all, you do not need internet for this app, but it can email data file and notes for storage and backup, also it stores the date in iCloud. You can take a picture and place it on a calendar, or create notes and plot the data on your calendar. Entering numbers is possible without using the keyboard.

People like to keep their lives, both personal and professional, organized. Sometimes you just have too much things to do during the day, so you have difficulties to remember all the data that would be useful to you. For example, if you do some physical exercises, with Chart Calendar App you can record your achievements, either using photos or numbers. If you want to understand why you gain some extra weight, you can add pictures of your meal or recipes for each day. So, you can care about your health and track it using photos, plots and numbers.

For more information, check out the video: If you want to purchase it and read other users’ reviews, check out:

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