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May 2013 – Best Apple Store Games

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quell mementoWe like looking back at all the iPad and iPhone games that have appeared last month and to pick out several of them we consider to be the very best. May 2013 was full of games for dungeon masters, strategists and tacticians. If you are among them, you are probably more than engaged getting and playing these new games. Last month was definitely for the armchair general. If you prefer a game that favours brains over brawn, check out Star Command, Ace Patrol or Frozen Synapse. But, of course, that’s not all, because May has introduced some new minimalist ball roller, a superlative puzzle game and one trilogy of courtroom dramas. 

Frozen Synapse is typical, but also unusual strategy game. Turns don’t last hours, days and decades, as for example in Civilization. Here you have only five seconds to micro-manage the movement of your troops. That includes waiting, walking, crouching and aiming. Sounds exhausting? It might be, but it is also thrilling. Imagine executing a perfect campaign and defeating an enemy in five seconds? On the other hand, the game is more than brutal when only in five seconds your troops are annihilated.

Created by Fallen Three Games, Quell Memento doesn’t sound promising. Once you push a ball it won’t stop traveling until it hits a wall. Sounds familiar? However, the creators have mixed up this well-known formula with numerous new mechanics, so playing Quell Memento feels fresh. It’s played with spikes, light switches, laser beams and portals. And, the little tale of love and loss that unfolds is something that should also be mentioned.

What are your favorites? Do you check out all games released or you opt for most popular ones? If you would like to be updated on the best iPhone and iPad games, check out this online place:

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