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How Mobile Technology is Changing World Travel

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Many of us dream of vacations in distant lands; visiting the sights, seeing the countryside and experiencing the culture. While many of us may never have the opportunity to visit these places; with our Smartphones and an internet connection we can find out all we want to know about an area and experience it from the comfort of our own homes.

It doesn’t matter if you’re sitting in a coffee shop or on your couch at home; it’s easy to find out all you want to know about any city or country.

When it comes to couch surfing the top five cities that are visited are:

  1. New York
  2. Paris
  3. London
  4. Berlin
  5. Istanbul

Often a city isn’t enough and you want to find out all you can about an entire country, the top five countries are:

  1. USA
  2. Germany
  3. France
  4. Canada
  5. UK

More and more people are using their Smartphones to visit various countries around the world, in order to get a feel for what to expect when they manage to plan their visit there.


"How Mobiletech Changing Travel"

This infographic was created by virtual travel guides site, My Destination.

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